• Info@theparentingplace.net
  • (608)784-8125

Despite our differences in culture and language, we are all parents who just want the best for our children. Come join The Parenting Place for an evening of fun while we embrace our differences and learn from one another. Parent Educator Rose Vang is available to interpret for Hmong-speaking individuals. Snacks will be provided, and no registration is required.  

Zoo siab txias tos txhua cos tsev neeg muaj me nyuam tauj koom peb ua si yav tsaus ntuj. Peb tus Parent Educator, Rose Vang yauv pab txhais lus Hmong hnub ntawv. Yuav muaj khoom txom ncauj thiab nev tsis kos npe los thaum.

Wednesday, October 23rd
The Parenting Place, 1500 Green Bay Street, La Crosse
4:00 - 5:30 pm