Supporting Programs

City of La Crosse
Child Care Development Project
The Parenting Place is thankful for their ongoing partnership with The City of La Crosse which is utilizing ARPA funding to increase the availability and sustainability of child care in our community. View our 2023 accomplishments below.
Start Up & Expansion Grants
Grants available to individuals and organizations looking to open or expand their child care business within the City of La Crosse.
Back to Capacity Grants
Grants available for existing child care programs in the City of La Crosse who are currently operating below their licensed capacity.
Professional Development Grants
Grants available for regulated providers located within the City of La Crosse who are interested in furthering their professional development.
Employer & Child Care Partnership Program
An employer-supported child care opportunity between local businesses and existing child care programs.
Employee Off-Boarding Program
An employer-supported child care opportunity between an employer and a newly-regulated child care provider.

Partner Up Grant Program
The Partner Up! grant program will provide $10 million in funding to support child care for Wisconsin’s businesses.
Through Partner Up!, businesses can reserve subsidized slots in regulated local child care programs for their employees’ use. The employer will contribute part of the true cost of care for each slot reserved, and Partner Up! will contribute the remaining amount. Participating families will receive accessible, high-quality child care at little-to-no out-of-pocket cost to them.
Detailed information, including costs and eligibility, can be found on DCF’s Partner Up!

Farm to ECE
Farm to Early Care and Education (Farm to ECE) is a natural extension of Farm to School that offers increased access to healthy, local foods, gardening experiences, family engagement opportunities and food-based activities to enhance the quality of the educational experience in all types of ECE settings.
The Parenting Place provides funding, educational opportunities and technical support to programs who are chosen to participate in this program funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. Implementing Farm to ECE principles can result in children making healthier food choices throughout their lifetimes because children are developing taste preferences and eating habits during these early years. By expanding healthy food access for children, connections with families and market opportunities for local farmers, Farm to ECE is a win for kids, families, farmers and communities!